Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board notes the imminent arrival of Cyclone Gabrielle to Aotearoa this weekend. Te Ratonga Tirorangi (MetService) forecasts that the cyclone is expected to bring significant severe weather to northern and central Aotearoa.
The forecast includes warnings of heavy rain, severe gales and rough waves all across Te Ika a Māui, including Te Matau a Māui (Hawke’s Bay), Waikato, Taupō Rohe and Te Rohe Pōtae (King Country).
The Trust Board advises caution and encourages Tūwharetoa whānau to be constantly vigilant and prepared for emergencies.
In December 2022, the Trust Board emailed out a copy of the Taupō District Emergency Planning Guide to assist whānau with their preparations. Hardcopies of this guide are also available at our Taupō and Tūrangi offices.
A digital copy can be found here – https://issuu.com/markatpromotions/docs/getreadygetthrough_taupo2017.
This is an ongoing and changing situation. For more information about Cyclone Gabrielle, use the MetService website link – https://www.metservice.com/warnings/severe-weather-outlook.
Mercury post 30-minute updates on the height and outflows of Lake Taupō here – https://www.mercury.co.nz/lakelevels
For updates from the Waikato Regional Council Flood Response Team use the WRC flood room website – https://waikatoregion.govt.nz/services/regional-hazards-and-emergency-management/flood-room/
If you see rising water, take no chances, get to higher ground. Don’t wait for official warnings.
If you, your whānau and/or your household are in immediate danger, call 111.