2025 education grants Are now open
The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board is strongly committed to supporting the learning and educational achievements of our people. We value education as a critical tool in our ongoing tribal development. Our education grants and scholarships provide support to our whānau to unlock their potential and grow our leaders of tomorrow.
The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board acknowledges the financial support received from Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust and the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust which enables us to provide more support to our people engaging in education.
You must be registered with the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust, or Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust before applying for an education grant.
You may apply for an Education Grant if you/your child:
- Is currently attending an Early Childhood Education centre or Kōhanga Reo
- Is a Secondary School student in Year 11, 12 or 13 and enrolled in NCEA for a full year
- Is attending a Tertiary Institute – University, Wānanga, Polytechnic or Apprenticeship
- Has Special Needs and is attending school or participating in vocational training
Applicants must provide:
- Confirmation of enrolment, fees and course information from the education provider.
- Previous year’s academic results.
- A verified bank deposit slip or statement.
EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS & Tertiary Education Grants
This year our Education Scholarships, Tertiary Education Grants and Trade Training will only be available via online applications. No hard copy forms will be available.
You must be registered with the Trust Board before applying for an education scholarship.
You may apply for a scholarship if you are studying an NZQA-approved course of study at a University, Whare Wānanga, Polytechnic, Technical Institute.
Education scholarships recognise the academic excellence of students enrolled in year 2+ of their tertiary study. Successful applicants will be selected based on academic performance and the calibre of their application.
Each scholarship category supports a Pou (outcome) of our Ngā Ara Matua Strategy (for more information please click here). Successful recipients will be selected based on the alignment of their study with these Pou.
1.Pou Taiao We are kaitiaki of our moana and awa. This pou encourages the active protection of our natural environment inclusive of mātauranga Māori. |
2. Pou Tikanga Ngāti Tuwharetoa live as Tūwharetoa This pou supports the maintenance and practice of Tūwharetoa kawa, tikanga, reo and matauranga. |
3. Pou Tangata Ngāti Tuwharetoa are educated, healthy and connected This pou focuses on educational achievement, leadership development, healthy and active lifestyles, and the use of diverse mediums to connect and engage with Ngāti Tūwharetoa. |
4. Pou Tātāwhai We successfully manage our assets for the benefit of future generations. This Pou recognises that a sound approach to business management, and meeting our fiduciary and legal responsibilities, supports the successful delivery of our strategy. |
Applicants must provide:
- Confirmation of enrolment, fees, and course information from the tertiary institute.
- Previous year’s academic results for the previous year including overall GPA score (if applicable)
- A verified bank deposit slip or statement.
- Applications are collected until 31 March.
- Successful applicants will be selected based on the alignment of their study to one of our Pou.
- 10 (ten) successful applicants are determined by a Trustees Meeting in May.
- Payment will be made in May.
Please note that when applying for an Education Scholarship a Tertiary Education Grant is automatically applied using the information provided in your Education Scholarship application.
You must be registered with the Trust Board or the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust to apply for this grant.
The Trade Training grant recognises the academic excellence of second-year and higher apprentices and trade training students working and studying in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
There are 20 scholarships available valued at $1000 each.
The scholarship is available to registered members studying and NZQA approved course at the following training providers:
- University or Whare Wānanga
- Polytechnic or Technical Institute
- Industry Training Organisation
- Private Training Establishment
Applicants must provide:
- A recommendation letter from their employer and/or training provider
- Confirmation of enrolment, fees, and course information
- Previous year’s academic results
- A verified bank deposit slip or statement
- Applications are collected and processed from February until 31 March
- Successful recipients will be selected based on academic and industry performance
- Payments will be made in May
This policy and criteria apply to the following:
- Early Childhood/Kōhanga Reo
- Secondary NCEA
- Special Needs
- Tertiary
- Trade Training
- Scholarship