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Ngāti Tūwharetoa 
Mercury Development Group (NTMDG)

Over recent years the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board on behalf of Ngāti Tūwharetoa has negotiated a number of initiatives to support Ngāti Tūwharetoa endeavours.

In October 2002 the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mighty River Power Development group was established as a result of a partnership agreement between Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Mighty River Power. In 2016 Mighty River Power became Mercury Energy and the group is now referred to as the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mercury Development Group (NTMDG). The Development Group provides support for cultural, educational, and sporting initiatives.

Applications can be made throughout the year.

Final Applications Due

(Applications must be complete by these dates, not just submitted)

2024-2025 Meeting Dates
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Wednesday 17 July 2024
Wednesday 21 August 2024 Wednesday 4 September 2024
23/24 AGM Tuesday 29 October 2024
Wednesday 23 October 2024 Wednesday 6 November 2024
Wednesday 22 January 2025 Wednesday 5 February 2025
Wednesday 5 March 2025 Wednesday 19 March 2025
Wednesday 30 April 2025 Wednesday 14 May 2025


Grants Available

For SPORTS initiatives applicants must provide:

  • A verified bank deposit slip or statement.
  • Sports Representation: Confirmation from the national body.
Apply online Download Form

For PROJECT initiatives applicants must provide:

  • A legal document verifying the organisation details and status (if applicable).
  • A verified bank deposit slip or statement.
  • A letter of support from hapū.
  • Location map (if applicable)
  • Written permission from the landowner (if applicable).
  • A detailed cost break down for the Project.
Apply online Download Form

For ENVIRONMENTAL initiatives applicants must provide:

  • A legal document verifying the organisation’s details and status (if applicable).
  • A verified bank deposit slip or statement.
  • Letters of support from affected hapū.
  • Location map (if applicable).
  • Written permission from the landowner (if applicable).
  • A detailed cost breakdown for the Project.

Note: New environmental applications for the 2024-2025 funding year will only be considered twice a year. This will be done at the September 2024 and March 2025 hui.