The Taupo Waters Trust was established by the Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board, and holds title to:
- Taupo-Nui-a-Tia Block;
- Te Awa o Waikato ki te Toka o Tia Block; and
- Te Hokinga mai o te papa o nga awa ki te Poari hei Kaitiaki o nga Hapu o Ngati Tuwharetoa Block
These titles are collectively known as “Taupo Waters” and have been vested in the Taupo Waters Trust by the Maori Land Court as Maori Freehold land.
Taupō Waters includes the bed of Lake Taupō, the space occupied by the water of the lake, the tributaries flowing into the lake and the Waikato River from the outlet of Lake Taupō to the Rock of Tia (inclusive of the Huka Falls).
The primary responsibility of the Taupo Waters Trust is to administer the assets listed above with specific regard to best practice asset management and to license:
(i) commercial activities and events;
(ii) new private and Crown owned structures; and the extension of existing private and Crown owned structures. The Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board is the trustee of the Taupo Waters Trust, as authorised by s24C of the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955.
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