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Scholarship Application

Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board logo


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Please Note: You must be registered with either Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board or Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust to apply for this grant.
Please contact the office on +64 7 386 8832 for further details


This Education Scholarship is designed to support and promote academic success for tribal members as the future leaders of their whānau, their marae and their iwi.

Criteria and details are as follows:

  1. Education scholarships recognise the academic excellence of students enrolled in year 2+ of their tertiary study.
  2. Education scholarships are available to registered members who reside in New Zealand and are studying an NZQA approved course at the following tertiary institutes:
    • University or Whare Wānanga
    • Polytechnic or Technical Institute
  3. Education scholarships are available for full-time and part-time study. Applicants must:
    1. provide confirmation of their enrolment, fees and course information;
    2. provide a copy of their previous year's academic results including overall Grade Point Average (GPA) score;
    3. demonstrate how their study aligns to the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board's Ngā Ara Matua Strategy;
    4. demonstrate their current involvement with Ngāti Tūwharetoa marae, hapū and iwi; and
    5. demonstrate how their qualification will enable them to contribute to Ngāti Tūwharetoa marae, hapū and iwi.
  4. If your institute does not award grade passes, you must provide some equivalent evidence of academic excellence from your institution.
  5. Successful scholarship recipients will be selected based on academic performance and the calibre of the application.
  6. Successful scholarship recipients may be required to attend wānanga and participate in Tūwharetoa kaupapa.
  7. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  8. If an applicant withdraws from their course or papers prior to or after receiving the grant, they must notify the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board. If this does not occur, an applicant may not be eligible for further grants.
  9. Upon graduation, all scholarship recipients must provide the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board with a copy of their qualification.
  10. Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board has the sole discretion to accept or decline any application.
  11. Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board reserves the right to use a successful applicant's name and other details for publicity and promotion purposes.
  12. Applications will be processed from February to March.
  13. Successful recipients will be selected and approved by the Board in May.
  14. Any courses commencing after 1 July 2024 do not qualify for an Education Grant. 
  15. Payments will be made in May.

    For Postgraduate and PhD Applicants:

  16. Postgraduate and PhD students completing work by thesis (where grades are yet to be awarded) may be considered for scholarships.
  17. Applicants must provide a letter of recommendation from their thesis supervisor which should include an overview of their thesis progress to date.

    For Aquaculture & Fisheries Applicants:

  18. The Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust now offers a scholarship for Tūwharetoa students studying:
    1. Fisheries or Aquaculture.
    2. Environmental management that supports the production of sustainable kaimoana.
    3. Social or political studies that support the development of fisheries policy development.
    4. Matauranga Māori indigenous studies that support aquaculture deveopment within the Ao Māori framework.

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*E.g. 1 Kiwi Street

*E.g. Tauhara (not City)

*E.g. Taupo

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*E.g. 1 Kiwi Street

*E.g. Tauhara

*E.g. Taupo

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Each scholarship category supports a Pou of our Mahere Rautaki Ngā Ara Matua (for more information please go to www.tuwharetoa.co.nz/our-work/). Successful recipients will be selected based on the alignment of their study.

Pou Taiao
We are kaitiaki of our moana and awa
This pou encourages the active protection of our natural environment inclusive of mātauranga Māori.

Pou Tikanga
Ngāti Tuwharetoa live as Tūwharetoa
This pou supports the maintenance and practice of Tūwharetoa kawa, tikanga, reo and matauranga.

Pou Tangata
Ngāti Tuwharetoa are educated, healthy and connected
This pou focuses on educational achievement, leadership development, healthy and active lifestyles, and the use of diverse mediums to connect and engage with Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Pou Tātāwhai
We are a high performing organisation that is commercially successful with meaningful relationships in place
This Pou recognises that a sound approach to business management, and meeting our fiduciary and legal responsibilities, supports the successful delivery of our strategy.


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IF APPROVED: You will be notified in writing or by email. Monies will be paid into the nominated bank account by direct credit.
IF DECLINED: You will be notified in writing or by email.

Postal Address: Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, PO Box 87, Tūrangi 3353

Phone: +64 7 386 8832 | Email: education@tuwharetoa.co.nz | Website: www.tuwharetoa.co.nz