2022 Annual Hui Notice

The 2022 Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Annual Hui will take place on Saturday 3 December 2022, at the Great Lake Centre, at 10am.

The day’s proceedings are as below:

8:45am  RAT testing
9:30am  Registrations open
10:00am  Hui commences
12:00pm  Lunch

The hui will be in person and available via livestream. Please register for the livestream link via the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board website https://www.tuwharetoa.co.nz/annual-hui-2022/

Pre-registration for the livestream link closes 12:00 pm on Thursday, 1 December 2022.

For those attending the hui in person a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RATS test) will be required to attend and testing will be done onsite prior to registration.

A digital copy of the Annual Report 2022 and Financial Statements for Year End 30 June 2022 will be available on request from our offices in the Town Centre
Turangi, or 81 Horomatangi Street Taupō, from Monday 7 November 2022.

Hard copies of the Annual Report 2022, Financial Statements for Year End 30 June 2022, and Hui-a-Tau Minutes 2021 will be made available at the hui.

Apologies can be registered by:

Email: annualhui@tuwharetoa.co.nz
Phone: 07 386 8832 or 07 376 5086

Signed Rakeipoho Taiaroa


Rakeipoho Taiaroa
Chief Executive Officer

Date December 3, 2022
Time 10am