Taupō Aqua Park closed due to discovery of Golden Clams

Media statement for immediate release

The recent discovery of golden clams at the Taupō Aqua Park is a poignant reminder of the need for continued vigilance.

The clams were discovered by Biosecurity NZ supported by Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board staff who responded to a possible sighting referred from the public.

The Aqua Park is closed temporarily. Currently golden clams have not been found in the Waikato Awa surrounding area.

Biosecurity NZ say there is no outflow from the Aqua Park to the awa, but the surrounding area will be inspected.

They encourage anyone who has visited the Aqua Park in the past week to wash their togs and towels in hot water, and thoroughly dry them for at least 48 hours before using them in any river or lake.

Further inspection, which included eDNA and visual inspection revealed the presence of the clams.

“We acknowledge the person who provided the information which led to the discovery of the clams,” says Rakeipoho Taiaroa, the Trust Board’s Chief Executive.

“It reinforces the need for constant vigilance to protect our waters from unwanted pests and biological dangers.”

“This situation also highlights the importance of reporting any possible sightings through the appropriate channels.”

It is not known how exactly the clams arrived at the Aqua Park. However Biosecurity NZ currently believes human activity to be the cause.

The Trust Board beseeches every visitor to our region to check, clean and dry their boats, fishing gear and anything else that enters the water.

And any sightings of the golden clam should be reported to MPI.


What CAN we do to prevent the spread of the Golden Clam?


  1. Comply with the Controlled Area Notices!
  2. Report any sightings of the Freshwater Clam using the embedded weblink or by calling 0800 80 99 66
  3. Tirohia, Horoia, Whakamarokengia (Check, Clean, Dry) all boats, wetsuits, fishing equipment when coming out of the Waikato River from the Whakamaru Dam to Te Puaha
  4. Be considerate of our river iwi whānau up the awa

Where can I get more information about the Golden Clam?

See our first statement on the Golden Clam

See our second statement on the Golden Clam

See our statement regarding the CANs on the Golden Clam

See the MPI webpage about the Golden Clam

What is the jurisdiction of Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board on Lake Taupō?

The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board is the legal entity which holds the title for Lake Taupō, the Waikato River up to Te Toka a Tia and several of the lake’s tributaries. Collectively these taonga are called “Taupō Waters”. These titles for these taonga are held by the Trust Board on behalf of Ngāti Tūwharetoa iwi.