Guidelines Te Mana o Te Wai MFE - Freshwater Te Wai Māori Waikato Regional Council Waikato River Authority

E tū ngā hapū o tūwharetoa wananga 1 – TAIAO LEGISLATION

Project Kaitiaki, in collaboration with Poipoia, offered E tū ngā hapū o Tūwharetoa, the first in a two-series wānanga which gathered together hapū and whānau of Te Hikuwai to share common kōrero and goals, strengthen relationships and identify special places. Facilitated by Tina Porou and the team at Poipoia,  E tū ngā hapū o Tūwharetoa was the first in a series of upcoming wānanga which aim to support hapū of Ngāti Tūwharetoa to build their capability and capacity to participate in and make decisions for wai and te taiao.

Tina Porou and the team at Poipoia bring with them a high-level of expertise and knowledge surrounding the current taiao legislative context, as well as delivering exciting and engaging capability-building programmes for hapū and iwi around the motu.

Below are links to the resources used by whānau during the wānanga.

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Te Mana o Te Wai Guidelines Relationship Diagram Wānanga Slideshow Taupō District Council - Submission on the Fast-Track Approvals Bill

E tū ngā hapū o tūwharetoa wananga 2 – How to Develop a taiao project

Project Kaitiaki was excited to offer the second installment of the E tū ngā hapū o Tūwharetoa taiao wānanga series. Collaborating once again with Poipoia, the team delivered this wānanga which aimed to support whānau and hapū in understanding the components needed to develop and deliver taiao projects. The first wānanga took place in Tūrangi on Wednesday 31 July, followed by the second wānanga in Taupō on Thursday 1 August. These were identical wānanga offered as two separate opportunities to allow participation by all whānau in our rohe.

Below are links to the resources used by whānau during the wānanga.

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Wānanga Workbook Wānanga Slideshow National Objectives Framework (NOF) Slideshow Waikato River Authority Project Plan Project Plan Template Project Costs Template