The Agreement


The Crown and Waikato-Tainui reached an Agreement in Principle regarding the outstanding claim to the Waikato River. This agreement included the formation of the Guardians Establishment Committee to develop a Vision and Strategy for the Waikato River.

Vision and Strategy


The Vision and Strategy for the Waikato River (Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato) was published.



The Settlement Act


Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Claims (Waikato River) Settlement Act 210 and the Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Raukawa, and Te Arawa River Iwi Waikato River Act 2010 passed into law as enabling legislation for the Waikato River Authority and established Co-Governance and Co-Management Arrangements for the Waikato River. The Trust Board represents the interests of the Waikato River Hapū of Ngāti Tūwharetoa under that legislation.

Working Group


The Waikato River Marae Working Group (MWG) was formed in December 2015 through a process facilitated by the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board.



Ngā Kaihautū


The Waikato River Marae Working Group was given the name Ngā Kaihautū o Te Awa o Waikato (Ngā Kaihautū). Ngā Kaihautū are the representatives of the Tūwharetoa Marae who maintain a direct interest in the Waikato Awa and Tributaries. Ngā Kaihautū are charged with implementing a long-term plan to protect the health and well-being of the Waikato River for Tūwharetoa, and work alongside the Trust Board in fulfilling its obligations under the 2010 Deed, River Acts and Te Ture Whaimana.

Ngā Hapū o Te Hikuwai


Ngā Hapū o Te Hikuwai are identified as the following:

Pākira Marae

Tutetawhā Marae

Waipāhīhī Marae

Nukuhau Pā

Te Rangiita Marae

Te Kapa o Te Rangiita ki Ōruanui

Maroa-nui-a-Tia Marae

Mōkai Marae



Ngā Kaihautū engages directly with the Trust NgBoard to consider matters relating to the protection and restoration of Te Awa o Waikato and its natural ecosystems and is made up of two Trust Board members and one representative from each of the following Te Hikuwai o Tūwharetoa Marae:


Te Mana o Te Wai Fund


The Trust Board received funding from the Ministry for the Environment’s Te Mana o te Wai fund. The purpose of the fund is to build capability and capacity in Māori to participate in making decisions affecting wai and te taiao. The application was based on components from Ngā Kaihautū – Mahere Rautaki (Strategic Plan) 2020 – 2030.



The current project centres around the following key objectives:

Design a pilot project to develop kaitiaki plans with Te Hikuwai Marae

Develop a mātauranga framework specific to Tūwharetoa that helps us better understand and protect our wai māori for future generations

Investigate new ways to digitally preserve important information

Develop resources, and tools and hold wānanga to support hapū and whānau in their role as Kaitiaki