PAST Events – Huihuinga O MUA

Te Hira Pū-Ao

Te Hira Pū-Ao 2024 was held in Ahuriri, Napier from the 21st – 23rd of November 2024. Te Hira Pū-Ao was a 3 day Conference to bring together and showcase the work of iwi and hapū leading environmental initiatives throughout Aotearoa with an aim to inspire the next generation of taiao champions. The theme of this year’s hui was ‘TOITŪ TE WHENUA: Response and Resistance’.

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Kura Taiao ki Ngāti Tūwharetoa

PROGRAMME: click here

Kaupapa: Kura Taiao aimed to foster meaningful conversations, engage in insightful wānanga with esteemed taiao specialists, and create an atmosphere conducive to reflecting on our relationship with te taiao.

Ngā Aronga Matua: Our focus was on reigniting enthusiasm for te taiao and enhancing kaitiaki capabilities within our Tūwharetoa rohe. The programme included sessions on maramataka, identifying whakapapa species, showcasing environmental innovations, mahinga kai narratives, commitment to tino rangatiratanga, and more.

Ngā Hua o Te Wānanga: The aim of Kura Taiao was to inspire whānau to embrace kaitiakitanga, articulate motivations for action, and equip whānau with the necessary resources for effecting positive change.

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Te Wai Māori 

Annual Fresh Water Conference

Te Wai Māori Trust was proud to present the Māori Freshwater Fisheries Conference, bringing together kaitiaki wai Māori from around Aotearoa for two days of inspiring kōrero on our wai Māori taonga and their kainga. The 2023 conference was held in November in Wakatū (Nelson). Click here for an overview of the two-day conference.


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E tū Ngā Hapū o Tūwharetoa tAIaO WĀNANGA – Legislation


Project Kaitiaki, in collaboration with Poipoia, offered E tū ngā hapū o Tūwharetoa, a one-day wānanga which gathered together hapū and whānau of Te Hikuwai to share common kōrero and goals, strengthen relationships and identify special places. Facilitated by Tina Porou and the team at PoipoiaE tū ngā hapū o Tūwharetoa was the first in a series of upcoming wānanga which aim to support hapū of Ngāti Tūwharetoa to build their capability and capacity to participate in and make decisions for wai and te taiao.

Tina Porou and the team at Poipoia bring with them a high-level of expertise and knowledge surrounding the current taiao legislative context, as well as delivering exciting and engaging capability-building programmes for hapū and iwi around the motu.

Check back regularly for the second installment of this wānanga series.


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Project Kaitiaki was excited to offer the final installment of the E tū ngā hapū o Tūwharetoa taiao wānanga series. Collaborating once again with Poipoia, the team delivered this wānanga which aimed to support whānau and hapū in understanding the components needed to develop and deliver taiao projects. The first wānanga took place in Tūrangi on Wednesday 31 July, followed by the second wānanga in Taupō on Thursday 1 August. These were identical wānanga offered as two separate opportunities to allow participation by all whānau in our rohe.

If you have any pātai, please email



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